About Thakeham Gardeners' Club

We meet on the 2nd Monday of the month, from February to November. In December we have our Christmas party and there is no meeting in January, but we often come together for a social lunch.

Membership is just £10 for the year which gives members free entry to the ten monthly meetings, including refreshments. Members receive 10% discount from Village Nurseries in West Chiltington.

Visitors are welcome to attend any of our meetings for just £4 (to include refreshments). Remember to bring some cash along if you want to buy tickets for our popular raffle.

Our Constitution was updated in 2023 and can be viewed using this link: Constitution_-_October_2023_as_amended_at_AGM.pdf.  Thakeham Gardeners' Club is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society, which gives our members access to a range of benefits from the RHS. 

On Facebook? Why not join our group https://www.facebook.com/groups/thakehamgardeners

RHS Affiliated Society

Our Committee Members 


Gil Quince

Email: gil.quince@gmail.com 

Deputy Chairman

Sandra Jenkins


Rosemary Humphreys


Christine Hounslow

Membership Secretary

Vanessa Chenery

Plant Sale and Competition Organiser

Jane McBrien

Visits Organisers

Sandra Jenkins and Linda Turk

Raffle Organisers

Bill and Kate Maclean

Flower Show Organiser


Speaker Organiser

Cheryl Brown