2024 Flower Show

Thakeham Gardeners' Club is a community group that brings together people living in Thakeham and the surrounding parishes. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in gardening and costs just £10 a year. For more information about our club, please see About Us.

Meetings usually take place on the 2nd Monday of the month at Thakeham Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm (with doors opening at 7pm). You can browse our Events Calendar to see what is coming up and read about previous meetings and events on the Club News page. 

Do feel free to turn up on the night, or contact our Chairman, Gil Quince, if you want to let us know you are coming or have any questions. Gil can be reached by telephone: 01798 812 748 or by email: Gil.Quince@gmail.com

On Facebook? Why not join our group https://www.facebook.com/groups/thakehamgardeners

2024 Flower Show Schedule and Entry Form are now available - non-members are warmly encouraged to enter.


garden image

Thakeham Gardeners' Club is affiliated to the RHS:

 RHS Affiliated Society


Website editor: Cheryl Brown



Contact Information